The Dedicated Organization for Food Support in Brantford

Our impactful free food assistance programs, similar to a food bank, are tailored to support individuals and families by providing access to nutritious meals.

BL's Free Backpack Giveaway

BL's Free Backpack Giveaway

A very popular giveaway that BL has done each year to celebrate her birthday. Together with her team, she would like to help kids go back to school with confidence. We are starting our waiting list.*

* Please note that filling out this form does not guarantee a Backpack and School Supplies for your child. What it does is put you on a waiting list.

Our Programs

free food giveaway, akin to a food bank
Free Food Giveaways are: ONE person per HOUSEHOLD can shop ONCE every 7 days.
People can access 3 food pantries throughout the city. We organize and fill outdoor food pantries in strategic locations.
A clothing pantry provides free clothing items for individuals and families.

Little Free Pantries Movement

BL’s Little Free Pantries in Brantford are part of the larger Little Free Pantries movement, which activates neighbor engagement with food insecurity across North America. This grassroots, crowdsourced solution addresses immediate and local needs because it helps feed neighbors and nourish neighborhoods.

Our Partners

Join The BL's Little Free Pantries

Join us in our mission to fight hunger. There are several ways you can get involved and support our cause.

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Our Story

BL’s Little Free Pantries, Libraries, and Free Food Giveaways, similar to a Food Bank, were started by Bryanna Leeder at 10 years old because she wanted to make a difference in her community. They now offer support to anyone in need.

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