Auction Fundraisers & Giveaways

The auctions take place on FaceBook. Join us for an exciting virtual auction experience and support our cause from the comfort of your home.
| BL’s Little Free Pantries | You! Matter

Bid and Benefit

The auction fundraiser is a lively and engaging event that brings our community together in support of a common cause. Attendees have the opportunity to bid on a wide range of items, including gift baskets, art pieces, gift certificates, and unique experiences. The atmosphere is filled with excitement as bids are placed and participants compete for their favorite items. All proceeds from the auction directly benefit our food assistance programs, making this event not only enjoyable but also incredibly impactful. Join us and be part of the difference!


In addition to our auction items, we also believe in the spirit of giving. Our giveaways are a way to share the love and support our community even more. Whether it’s through surprise gifts during the auction or special items set aside for people, our giveaways ensure that everyone has a chance to benefit. Join our events and experience the joy of giving and receiving, all while supporting a great cause!

Our Other Programs

free food giveaway, akin to a food bank
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